Tuesday, August 30, 2011

History Of Cheese

Health News - Cheese comes from the old English word that is case and chiese, or from the Latin caseus. The same words in German for the cheese is Kase, whereas in France and Spain and Italy fromage named this product as Queso and formaggio.Dalam Spanish called queijo is a solid food made from milk.

Milk used is usually cow's milk. Besides, camel's milk, goat, sheep, horse, or buffalo are used in several types of local cheese.
Cheese is formed from milk by removing the water content using a combination of rennet and acidification. Bacteria are also used in the acidification of milk to add texture and flavor to the cheese. Manufacture of certain cheeses is also using yeast.

This food is known throughout the world, but allegedly first recognized in the area around the Mediterranean.
There is also convinced that the cheese has been enjoyed by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia a few years before Christ. A picture of goddess worship in the building Ninchursag show that at the time the cheese has been produced. While the Greek legend says that the cheese was discovered by Aristaeus, son of the god Apollo and Cyrene.

At the time of the Roman Empire, cheese making began to develop expertise and knowledge that high. They have found various ways of making and maturation, so these type of cheese the many and varied. In the middle Ages, the cheese has been developed in the monastery. Many types of cheese we know today came from the monks.

Long ago the farmers keep the rest of the milk and let it clot. After that, the lump of cheese lapped using tree stems, wrapped, and weighted down with stones as he left to become dry in the sun. To give a flavor, the cheese and then sprinkled with salt.

In the 20th century, the industrialists to change the traditional way and introduced many new types of cheese are more rich and creamy taste, while the traditional production of the farmers who tilled was diminishing. Cheese including high protein nutritional value.

Cheese also produces great energy. It contains calcium and phosphorus, especially cheeses cooked. Cheese is very good to replace the milk, especially for those who do not like milk.

There are hundreds of types of cheeses produced around the world. Cheese has a style and taste different, depending on the milk used, the type of bacteria or fungi were used, and the long fermentation or aging. Other factors such as type of food consumed by a mammal producing milk and milk heating process.

Article Health News

source : http://www.articlehealthnews.com/2011/08/cheese.html


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