Friday, July 8, 2011

Aspirin counter side effects on the liver

Aspirin may be much more helpful for people with liver problems resulting from other medications, abuse of alcohol or by diseases of the liver related to the obesity: besides alleviating the pain, it could be the solution to its problem.

Therefore one stood out at least in a recent carried out study by experts of the University of Yale, who in addition think that this discovery could, even, to return to make certain medications viable that, to exactly have like indirect effect upheavals in the liver, had stopped being used.

For this reason, experts believe that aspirin may be combined with certain drugs to relieve various ailments as well.

The documents produced as a result of this study, which was done on mice, highlighted the fact that aspirin did reduce mortality caused by an overdose of paracetamol.

This in-depth treatise showed that a class of molecules known as TLR, that blocks the receivers that bring about the inflammation, so they have an effect similar to aspirin. Thus, these agents, according to it seems, work reducing the inflammation brought about by the wound.

These results suggest that aspirin can then help prevent and treat liver problems, Wajahat Mehal explained, Section of Digestive Diseases and Department of Immunobiology at Yale.

“Many agents as the medicines or the alcohol cause damages in the liver, and we have found two ways to block the main person in charge of these consequences” indicated Mehal that added: "Our strategy is to use aspirin daily to prevent liver damage but if this happens, use the TLR molecules to treat it."

In this way, this group of investigators thinks that many effective medical treatments of other diseases that until now had been exiled because of side effects in the liver can be resurrected if combined with aspirin.

“This offers the exciting possibility to reduce much pain and suffering in patients with liver diseases, using this new treatment and very practitioner” said Mehal.

Other investigators of Yale who contributed to this study are Avlin Imaeda, Azuma Watanabe, Adnan Sohail, Shamail Mahmood, among others. In addition, also members also worked at the National Institute of and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the Ellison Foundation and the Howard Medical Hughes Institute that the study financed.


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