It is already known that the diet influences enormously in our life, and our health. Several times also it has been spoken of foods and certain nutrients, and the major or minor risk of developing cancer(in this topic about breast cancer). Although nothing is 100 conclusive percent, yes are some habits (including nourishing) that to a great extent are related to the cancer.
According to a recent study the carrots would have a paper of importance at the time of protecting the women of the breast cancer, but especially, before the menopause. One is a work carried out by the School of Public Health of Harvard, in Boston, that concluded that the more portions of rich carotenoid vegetables consume per day the women before their menopause, the less risk must to suffer breast cancer.
Carotenoids are plant pigments that act as excellent antioxidants. The main author of this work, Laura Mignone, of this medical institution, remembered that these pigments are present in “the carrot, the green cabbage and the vegetables of green leaves”, from now until which especially they are recommended at the time of devising our nourishing plan.
On the other hand, Mignone mentioned that although there are “factors of risk of the breast cancer, like hormones or the ages in which the first menstruation is had or the first son”, who cannot be changed, yes are others are modifiable, like the diet.
Precise, in this work the existing relation in more was examined than 12,000 women between the amount of fruits and rich carotenoids vegetables that consumed and the risk of developing breast cancer. These females were divided into about 5707 patients who were already breast cancer and other healthy 6389, which served as control group.
Thus, one was that the high consumption of these vegetables, rich in originating vitamin To of carotenoids and other compounds of the family (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein / zeaxanthin), helped to reduce the risk of cancer of chest in the premenopausal women in a 17 percent, which nevertheless was not observed in the postmenopausal.
In this respect, the researchers explained that carotenoids signals interfere with estrogen receptors, and by such reason its protection would only be effective in the females before its menopause.
Mingnone, on the other hand, also added about breast cancer that the action of antioxidants could be related, since “they are very powerful in the organism and could absorb a great part of the carcinogen ones to which the population is exhibited”.
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