Carried out studies in Finland reveal that vitamin D must like one of its properties be a good ally of the organism concerning to suffer Parkinson. One already knows that this type of vitamins fulfills a fundamental roll in the health of the bones and the prevention of pathologies like the cancer, the diabetes type the 2 and multiple diseases of cardiac type.
At present one has reached the conclusion that those people who count on vitamin levels of stops own minors probabilities of suffering Parkinson, according to what they indicate Finnish investigators of the National Institute for the Health and the Well-being of Helsinki, that published their work in “You file of Neurology”.
Specialists maintain that to ingest dose adapted of vitamin D daily can to be fundamental to avoid development of Parkinson, since this pathology often usually occurs in the people who do not consume the adapted amount of these vitamins, which takes to a chronic loss of neurons of the brain.
The study carried out by a group of scientists with the investigator of the National Institute for the Health and the Well-being of Helsinki, Paul Knekt, at the top. In order to realize the investigation, they were analyzed to 3173 people of both sexes with ages between the 50 and 80 years that did not suffer Parkinson of years 1978 to 1980, when the studies began.
These people were put under diverse analyses of blood to determine their daily vitamin consumption D, besides realizing surveys where they as much detailed to his sanitary customs and the social and economic aspects of his life. After 29 years of analysis, 50 of those people developed Parkinson.
By these results and the carried out investigation, the specialists could conclude that those people who consumed more vitamin levels D and who realized physical activity show to minor’s risks of developing this disease.
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