Hypotonic Dehydration or Dehydration is an always latent subject, and much more in summer. Usually it happens that before the lack of thirst sensation - in special, present in the children, old and people with some disease it is expected last moment to drink water, which can be dangerous.
Although there is to always take water, the necessity is still more imperative before high temperatures and when physical activity is realized intense, and the most vulnerable groups before a possible dehydration are the pregnant and nursing children, people majors, women, and the sportsmen.
In normal environmental conditions, a person can lose near 2,300 ml of liquids through the urine (1,500 ml), sweat (150 ml), the skin and the lungs (350 ml each). However, when the climate is warmer, the loss through the sweating can multiply until by ten and to reach the 1,400 ml, that's why is necessary to drink water and liquids still more.
When exercise is realized, on the other hand, although the elimination of liquids through the urine is reduced (500 ml) remarkably increases also the one of the sweat (around 4,000 ml or even more).
Between the symptoms of a beginning or dehydration they emphasize an intense thirst, the loss of appetite, a malaise sensation, tires, headache and weakness.
But the certain thing is that there are different types from dehydration, according to the relation between the loss of water and electrolytes (especially, sodium), reason why it is classified in three types: isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic.
Finally, you ask how much water is required per day, as this information may help you: in older people, about 35 ml/kg of weight (if weights 60 kilos, you will need 2,100 small ml), children, 50 to 60 ml/kg, and suckling babies until a year, 15o ml by kilo of weight.That is about Hypotonic Dehydration i hope can help a bit.
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