Monday, July 18, 2011

Flu contagious, recognize the signs

flu contagious
Now in my office in season cough and flu season, although now a little better and the germs that cause colds may have fallen asleep, so it is not contagious. Conversely though there are no symptoms, at any given time remains flu contagious. How to recognize the flu contagious?

There are several types of cold, There's a new contagious after symptoms appear, there is also secretly been transmitted while no signs of infection.

Several types of cold with signs indicating a critical period of transmission is as follows, as quoted from Health24 :

1. Common cold (common cold)
there are about 200 types of viruses that can cause colds, most of them transmitted through the air and can only be prevented by good personal hygiene including wearing a mask when many people got colds.

Symptoms include sneezing, coughing, runny nose and sore throat. However, colds can be contagious from 1 day before symptoms appear until eight days later.

2. Flu (Seasonal Influenza or Bird Flu)
in addition to coughing, both types of influenza infection is characterized by respiratory mucus including phlegm and mucus. Mucus-mucus that is the most infectious virus that causes it.

Prof. Linda Meloy, MD of Virginia Commonwealth University said the flu most contagious in the first 3 days since the onset of symptoms and when patients experience a high fever. However, it should watch out, the flu can be contagious from 1 day before symptoms occur up to 7 days afterwards.

3. Colds Due to Sore Throat
Unlike the flu that can heal itself, runny nose caused by strep throat is usually triggered by streptococcal bacteria, so it took antibiotics to overcome them. Inflammation is not caused by infection would not contagious, but if phlegm means there is an infection that can be contagious.

In addition to sputum, sore throat due to infection characterized by painful swallowing, high fever and swelling of the tonsils. New causes of infectious bacteria on the first day of appearance of symptoms until 24 hours after taking antibiotics, with a record of antibiotic should be taken until they run out so that the bacteria actually die.

4. Bronchitis
Germs trigger bronchitis; both viruses and bacteria can live for weeks in the respiratory tract. But the germs proficiency level will not remain forever active or can be transmitted, because at certain times of the germs will fall asleep.

If it is caused by bacteria, then antibiotics will accelerate the inactivation of bacteria so it is not contagious. Critical period of transmission of germs bronchitis is characterized by specific symptoms, but can be expected between the first days of appearance of symptoms until 7 days afterwards.

5. Pneumonia
Colds are triggered by the pneumococcus bacteria infections in the lungs are characterized by cough, fever, chills and shortness of breath. There is no other choice, the only way to make the bacteria are not active at the same time turn it off is by taking antibiotics according to the tips physician.

Critical period of transmission of the pneumococcus bacteria is the first day of appearance of symptoms until 24 hours after taking antibiotics for the first time.

6. Colds Due to Allergies
Cold symptoms are triggered by allergies includes sneezing, runny nose and headache. Because it is a body reaction that is too sensitive to allergy triggers, then the cold has never been transmitted.

But sometimes there is a catch when he was around people who colds due to allergies. so beware of flu contagious.


  1. Keep on health from Flu contagious. thanks for nice article.

  2. Thank you for your attention and thank you for visiting me.
