Thursday, July 14, 2011

Diabetes meal

diabetes meal
The person with diabetes who diet gives last advances and discoveries of the world of the medicine, including foods like cereals, vegetables, fruits, meats, etc. It is important that the diabetic incorporate in your daily diet fibers, which are beneficial as they help in the absorption of glucose in a slow lowering blood cholesterol levels, such as oatmeal, fruit pulp and vegetables.

Although the subject of the Influenza To H1N1, and the urgent necessity of the massive production of a vaccine to fight a disease that has caused the death of almost 5,000 people in the world, has monopolized the attention of the world, the scientists do not stop continuing investigating in other areas of the medicine.

For example, the mass media became echo of the news that the possibility that exists in the future the addict ones to the cocaine (addictive and highly stimulating drug of the central nervous system) can resort to a medical treatment to stop consuming.

In relation to this subject, it is necessary to mention that the first tests in human beings were realized in the United States, to who the first doses of the vaccine against the addiction were applied to him to the cocaine, the Web site informed into the BBC, that added that these were realized by an equipment of the Medicine School of the University of Yale.

Provided in 55 people during approximately six months, this vaccine had effect in a 38% of the patients. According to the Web informed into the BBC, the same managed to reach the suitable levels of antibodies to stop undergoing the euphoria sensation that produces the drug. Although also one concluded that this effect only lasted two months reason why had to repeat the treatment with other injections, published the Web.

He is very early to know when the vaccine could be available, since just it is in an initial stage and not yet there were completely successful results, but is important to add that this news gives hope all those that have addiction problems and want to move away of the cocaine to begin one more a more healthful life.


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